I love this picture. I got Peyton's pictures done from my sister in law after Peyton was born and I still haven't gone and picked them up. This one was on her blog and I have to share it. I really need to get them done again and get some with Abby in them. Jaxyn absolutely loves Peyton and between Abby and him poor Peyton never gets time alone. They love on her the minute she wakes up. I can't believe how big she is getting. She is sitting up and eating baby food and wants to be in the toy room with the kids when they are playing. I thought Jaxyn grew up fast, but Peyton is growing even faster. I think it is to keep up with her brother and sister. She loves being with them and if she can hear them she does not want to take her naps. I love my kids so much and I can't believe how fast time goes by. I am learning to take in every moment and I don't want to miss a thing in their lives.